Apple is reportedly on the brink of announcing an iPad Pro 2017 with a 10.5-inch display. The Cupertino tech firm is also planning to revamp the iPad Mini and the iPad Air lineup by equipping the devices with new powerful processors.
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A new iOS beta is now available that offers a lot of bug fixes and improvements to both macOS 10.12.3 and iOS 10.2.1.
The iPhone 8 will allegedly feature an all-glass design enabling a possible wireless charging capability.
Here are the best game for your iPhone. We're still in the first early part of 2017 where some of you have received or have treated yourself with an Apple iPhone during the holidays but your still wondering which game would be suited and worth the memory space.
Gadget freaks have been restlessly waiting for Apple to shed more light on iMac 2017; however, the company is mum and has refrained from spilling the beans about the long-awaited device's release date. Some reports are now hinting at a Q1 2017 release for lauded desktop.
Multiples news reports have pointed out that the 9.7-inch iPad Pro could be Apple's replacement tablet for the iPad Air 3 series.
As per hacker Luca Todesco’s tweets, he is planning on making the jailbreak for iOS 10.2, however, iPhone 7 isn’t included in the lineup; and that users should save SHSH2 blobs implying that the iOS 10.2 jailbreak might happen soon.
For its next release, LG is said to be ditching the modular design and sticking with how normal smartphones work.
Because of the problems of the MacBook Air line and the supremacy of the iPads, the possibility of Apple not continuing the production of MacBook Air units is imminent.
A cinema mode could be introduced in the next major iOS update but fans are also clamoring for a fix in the battery problem which drains an iPhone's power.
Apple CEO Tim Cook says that the iPhone range is just "getting started." Apple is expected to come up with a device that will create a bigger impact in today's smartphone industry.
Some of the Paid iPhone Apps That Are Now On Sale For Free! In celebration for the 10 year anniversary of the Apple iPhone which was revealed back in Jan.
A review of the Asus ZenBook 3 with comparison with Apple's MacBook Air The Asus Zenbook lineup has been heavily inspired by the Apple MacBook Air series to the point where it is being accused of directly copying the same.