Sony had just recently unveiled its very first OLED TV, alongside its A1 series. The news that Sony is preparing to launch an OLED smartphone will add the company to the list of mobile device makers that have also entered the OLED industry.

The news came from a Japanese publication,, via According to the report, Sony's upcoming Xperia smartphone will come out of the box featuring an OLED display. Instead of implementing the new screen technology to all devices in that range, Sony is reportedly only going to do so for the upcoming flagship smartphone. This said device will reportedly be unveiled in 2018.

Since Sony Mobile entered the smartphone industry, it has only been using LCD displays for the devices' screens. Now, the company has decided to make the switch to OLED panels.

Samsung, one of the top tech companies today, has been using OLED screens for many years now - as can be seen in its Galaxy S and Galaxy Note product lines. As GSM Arena has pointed out, the screens largely helped in making Samsung's devices stand out.

According to the report, the Korean tech company is the biggest producer when it comes to smartphone OLED screens. However, Sony is reportedly going to wait for JDI and LG to join the mix and will buy from these companies instead. Since Sony's reported target release for the OLED smartphone is in 2018 to 2019, LG and JDI are expected to have already ramped up their production by then.

Apple is also reportedly switching to OLED technology. According to multiple news reports, the Cupertino-based tech giant will be applying this new screen display to its 10th year anniversary iPhone.

OLED technology has now become the latest trend in the tech industry. As compared to LCD screens which only piggyback on a single backlight within the unit, OLED displays have their own light.

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