One Piece: Thousand Storm was initially released for Japan. But, now Bandai Namco is bringng the mobile-based multiplayer RPG title to the West as well. To pre-register for the game.. .
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While unconfirmed, it appears that Gamestop has mistakenly revealed the release date for 'Guardians of the Galaxy': The Telltale Series.
“Pokemon GO” players noticed that hatching the evolved forms of baby Pokemon is no longer possible after the introduction of the new creatures. However, Niantic Labs has not released a statement confirming the claims.
Only a few baby Pokemon were released in December in “Pokemon GO” and they can only be hatched. Hence, trainers are eagerly waiting for Niantic to announce Gen 2 Pokemon.
"Turbo League" is a similar mobile game to the "Rocket League" which is now available for download for iOS and Android.
As “Pokémon Go” introduced to the gaming industry it carries a big success for the whole year of 2016.
Hatching issues with Pokemon GO Gen 2 update may be frustrating players, but could it be an indication of new Pokemon evolutions in the future? Plus, will players be getting the three legendary Pokemon in time for spring?
As fans may now know, "Super Mario Run" is to be paid for, although it may not quite appeal to them entirely.
Although it's fun, there's only so many Pokemon to catch. "Pokemon Go" has been a phenomenal mobile game since its release in 2016 and Niantic has been offering tons of updates on the game even until now.
The next 'Clash of Clans' event is coming. The Dragon Event is expected to commence January 5 once the 'Clashmas' holiday promotion ends.
Shut down Crytel Black Sea reforms and is now known as Black Sea Games Crytek Black Sea, after its closure, has emerged again and this time after its shutdown along with five other studios before, they are stronger than ever.
First-person shooters on Android devices are always considered fun by many app enthusiasts. Android first-person shooters are definitely an "in" trend in the world of mobile applications, given that many of them are still being played to this day.
Not all rare Pokemon are excellent additions to a trainer’s gym for battles. Trainers need to find those rare Pokemon in “Pokemon GO” that truly are combat-effective.