As "Pokémon Go" was introduced to the gaming industry, it carries a big success for the whole year of 2016. Improvement and updates to the game have always been kept in order to maintain its popularity. There's a lot to do such us holiday event updates, re-vamped trackers; Niantic is always ready to give players what they want.

In the same year, Nintendo also released a handheld Pokémon game "Pokémon Sun and Moon," and its first smartphone game, "Super Mario Run", both of which were just as popular as "Pokémon Go."

"Pokémon Go" must expand, evolve and have revolutionary ideas up in its sleeve to keep its track in the gaming community. Last December 2016, the mobile game launched its Gen 2 babies event, but Niantic did not announce an exact date and released the whole Gen 2 babies all at once. As a result, two of the Pokémon legendary birds were nowhere to be found.

"Pokémon Go" has many differences between the handheld versions; its biggest difference is that there is no non-player character (NPC) in the mobile game app. No gym leaders, missing rival trainers and no team rocket. Niantic must do something to cure this loophole. Players need to have gym battling style keep those die-hard players playing "Pokémon Go."

A priority fix is also needed for the "Pokémon Go" battling and catching Pokémon style. Most players are being used to simply tap their screens to catch a Pokémon by just throwing Poke ball that makes the mobile game boring, exhausting and not fun at all. The tracking system of the game can sometimes track distance inaccurately. The Apple Watch can use pedometer to track distance while other devices can't.

"Pokemon Go" has balanced the game in terms of items in its app store. But it is time to add new items into the game. Ultra Balls and incubators are needed in the game; there are a lot of possibilities and ideas to keep the game being the favorite of the mobile game fanatics.

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