Introducing the latest kind of selfie stick that comes attached to your mobile phone hidden in its casing.
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Apple has made several company tasks and role changes which was announced to the public this Thursday, Dec.17.
Samsung is appealing their $548 million USD case with Apple to be overturned. The bad blood between Apple and Samsung is yet to be laid to rest. Far from being over, the saga continues as the court battles find new battlegrounds.
The BBC iPlayer is now available on the new Apple TV. Finally, after a long wait, the BBC iPlayer app which was released by BBC for the Apple TV is finally available for download in the UK.
Apple will be the only one to show exclusive backstage and concert scenes of Taylor's Swift's concert and her many special guests.
Apple's new battery case has been subjected to criticisms and is publicly teased by ASUS & LG. Apple had just released their very first official battery case for iPhone's 6 and 6s.
Facebok is now open sourcing their artificiial inteligence technology - Big Sur. Tech companies nowadays are very keen on the idea of open sourcing. Just last time, we wrote about Apple open sourcing their Swift programming language.
Google has added a new feature to their Photo App. It now allows albums to be shared. Last May, Google has introduced their Photos app to the public. And just this Thursday, Dec.
The latest Mercedes-Benz 2017 E-class model is said to have smartphone like screens. Mercedes-Benz, like other car manufacturers, has been making an effort to stay relevant with all the latest technological developments.
Apple has put a stop to their plans on having a live streaming content for their Apple TV and instead focuses on other matters.
Google has now made their Play Music family plan live at $14.99 USD. Google Play Music is finally rolling out their family plan after teasing the public for a couple of months.
The Tailwind project is a smart home automation gadget that will do a lot more other things for a lower cost than what the current competitors' are offering.
Apple releases four software updates including thd Apple has just released a new update for their Apple Watch. The tech company has just released their watchOS 2.