Initially the sequel to "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" was launched in February only for PC, with no console versions. However, yesterday Firaxis, the developer for XCOM, has announced that the sci-fi game will be launched for both Xbox One and PS4 on September 6 in the United States and September 9 worldwide.
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Square Enix has just released a new trailer today. Unfortunately, it's not the much awaited "Kingdom Hearts 3".
Ubisoft launched the World Premiere for what looks like of its biggest games this year, "Watch Dogs 2". With the absence of a mainline "Assassin's Creed" title, the new "Watch Dogs" might just fill the spot that the game has vacated this year.
What could fans expect from the PS Neo (PS4.5)? Here are some of the things we will be expecting to see.
The latest updates on the physics-based car soccer game, Rocket League, suggest that the video game will include player-to-player trading option along with very items in the trade system. The update reports suggest that the PC game will have two new customization options, when its developers, Psyonix, will release a new video game next month.
It looks like NetherRealm Studios already has a follow up to "Injustice: Gods Among Us", based on a leaked image of a poster for the game.
As rumors about the "Injustice: Gods Among Us 2" development continue to spread, a poster that features Batman and The Flash was leaked.
Another "Watch Dogs 2" leak was revealed today. This time, the release date was revealed, ahead of the game's World Premiere.
Rockstar Games has released a patch 1.18 update for the GTA 5 Online DLC "Further Adventures in Finance and Felony" in PS4, PC and Xbox One.
Some of the "Mass Effect Andromeda" developers have been sharing bits of information to their fans and to the gaming community before its release date in 2017.
Some gamers have tested how "Mirror's Edge Catalyst" would look at different graphics settings, and here is what they found out.
It has been recently announced that the "Persona 5" release date will be delayed in the US compared to Japan.
Blizzard is now working on balancing out its newest online shooter game, "Overwatch", after a highly successful launch on May 24. Some characters will get nerfed, and the first one will be the gun-slinging cowboy McCree.