Initially the sequel to "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" was launched in February only for PC, with no console versions. However, yesterday Firaxis, the developer for XCOM, has announced that the sci-fi game will be launched for both Xbox One and PS4 on September 6 in the United States and September 9 worldwide.

The transformation will reportedly be handled by a new developer known as The Workshop and founded by the veterans from "Call of Duty" Treyarch, according to The Verge.

"The incredible reception of XCOM 2 has been rewarding and humbling for the team, and we've known console fans have been clamoring to play the game too," XCOM 2 creative director Jake Solomon mentioned. "As avid console players ourselves, we're excited to work with The Workshop to bring XCOM 2 to all of our fans."

However, it was not the case a year ago, when Solomon mentioned that their home was the PC, and they felt more comfortable while developing games for that platform.

"When we have our meetings, when we talk about stuff, we only talk about PC," Creative Director Jake Solomon told IGN last year . "Our expertise here is PC. That's our home, and that's where we're really comfortable."

Meanwhile, XCOM 2K has been always enticing for fans as they can get pre - ordered goodies. Users who pre order the vanilla version of XCOM 2 get the Resistance Warrior Pack along with some soldier customization options.

For those who are preordering XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition will get access to not only the above, but also the paid DLCs that has been released so far.

It seems XCOM 2 will definitely be launching on a grand scale in the respective consoles this September.

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