In the previous Pokemon anime series, the protagonist Ash Ketchum was discovered with this surprising superhuman strength somewhat similar to Spider-man if compared. He is usually seen carrying Pokemon that weighed over a hundred pounds as well as throwing logs as if they were like sticks, which may be an exaggerated version of the comics.

However, in the latest episode of the "Pokemon Sun and Moon" series which was aired yesterday in Japan, Ash and Pikachu attempted to clear out mount of logs that were blocking the way on a local road according to WWG. Pikachu was able to pick out at least one of the logs using his "electrically charged back muscles" while Ash can't even move one single log and he tried to call upon a truck of Machamp for some help.

There have been a lot of changes to Ash's character in the "Pokemon Sun and Moon" which differs from his previous season because he was originally a serious 10 year old ladies man in becoming the Pokemon Champion. Now he became a dopey kid that makes goofy faces.

Even if Ash does not have his incredible strength and his pointy hair he is still a very competent and very effective trainer. In fact he has officially earned his first z-crystal by defeating a Totem Gumshoos and its allies. Last month a shocking revelation about Ash Ketchum's new found friend Lillie was discovered that she was related to Lusamine, who is known to be the mysterious head of the Aether Foundation research facility.

A short clip or a cutaway revealed a family portrait in the "Pokemon Sun and Moon" anime where the younger selves of Gladion, Lusamine and Lillie were seen together in the portrait spoiling the fans and players who haven't finished the 3DS game yet. The anime series is shown in Japan as of now while the English-language version will be shown on Disney XD this year.

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