Looking for for free iPhone, iPad apps and games? Here are some interesting apps and games to download for free.
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On its first few days, Super Mario Run broke the previous records with its 40+ million downloads in the first 4 days of release!
Apple Stops Signing iOS 10.1 and iOS 10.1.1 Since Apple released its new iOS 10. 2 update, the company has stopped signing for its earlier versions which includes iOS 10.
Before the return of Steve Jobs after a decade, Apple was in trouble. Expressed by Business Insider writer, Dave Smith, Apple may have succeeded in the 80's with some of its product line such as Apple II and Macintosh computers, but was in trouble in 1997.
Bitwise Solutions Limited released PlayMira iOS application. PS4 users will most probably like the definitely launched app!
Super Mario Run has found its way to iOS. This game has a newly improved gameplay; hence, here are some of the best tricks and tips on how to master Super Mario Run.
Find out 5 geeky ways to know why iPhone is better than Google Pixel! Better weigh things first before emptying your pocket.
A preview on what's in the new iOS 10.2 update: new emojis, new tv app, preserve setting in the camera app, and more.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is one of the most expected and desired smartphones of 2017. The following lead of Samsung should bring over another design, and additionally cutting-edge technology, going head to head with iPhone 8.
A guide for users on how to transfer media such as photos and videos from Android and iOS devices to computers and vice versa.
Apple is set to release two upgraded versions of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus next year: the iPhone 7s and the iPhone 7s Plus.
A look on Sony's Playstation Division news on revealing mobile games for ios in the upcoming year.
What makes the new iPad diferrent from its predecessors? Let's find out. A lot of you might be considering buying Apple's new iPad - the iPad Pro 9.