Steam’s gaming platform statistics data are out and it has shown Windows 10 as the main operating system that is mostly used by Steam users.
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Technology investor Norwest Venture Partners on predicting what will be the newest trends and startups to invest on in the tech industry.
It looks like CNN thinks of the public to be really innocent that they will not be able to figure out the screenshot used in the news. Russians computer hacking techniques have nothing to do with this image for sure.
Lenovo is now competing with smart home devices as it launches its Amazon Alexa-powered Speaker And 6TB NAS Box which will be available in the market by May 2017.
Tesla To Release Autopilot Update as New Year's Gift! Check this out for more details. Tesla Motors, one of the biggest companies in the U. S. has announced New Year's gift for their 1,000 customers.
Save money by downloading these free 'iPhone apps' rather than buying it. These apps are both helpful and convenient for use depending on the person's need and preferences.
Shadowhunters kicks off season two with old characters and new plot twists. Fans who were left hanging with the season one finale can expect a few new faces and some revamped visuals.
Sony PlayStation 5 is still not a sure thing. Sony has just released its very first mid-cycle gaming console, the PS4 Pro. It may tease gamers with hints of what 4K gaming would feel like, but multiple reviews have revealed that its system just does not have the native capability to deliver 4K output.
"Marvel Contest of Champions" studio Kabam sold one of their branches recently, with the goal to create more westernized games in the future.
The T-Bone Chaos Event Challenge three is on with a more explosive game entitled Blow The Lid Off. Ubisoft released a new video for "WatchDogs 2" on January 2 The video fine-points the third challenge of the T-Bone Chaos Event.
A new report says there is a chance the first three Legendary Pokemon will be out for fans to capture by spring of this year.
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is preparing to unveil its concept car, the Portal, at the CES 2017. The company is looking to produce the electric car with autonomous driving in mind.
Nielsen releases a survey for 2016 top 10 most popular and most used smartphone apps. Many apps and technology was launched in 2016. Now that this year finally over, all smartphone apps were ranked based on its popularity and the number of its users.