The next installment in "Marvel vs. Capcom" game series dubbed, "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite," is slated to hit the store shelves by late 2017.

Confirmed to arrive on the Xbox One, the PS4, and PC, "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" brings forth a mammoth collision between the two worlds of Marvel and Capcom. The classic franchise is expected to set the stage for an outbreak of cross-over battles. Neidel Crisan, Director of Digital Media and eSports for Capcom recently spoke to PlayStation blog in a bid to shed more light on the upcoming game.

The current generation of three-versus-three team battle format is slated to undergo a radical overhaul. "Marvel vs. Capcom 3" gave players an option to chose from three characters with one of three assist modes for each of them; however, this is about to change.

This time, Capcom has opted for a comparatively more restricted two-versus-two mode in order to make the game more accessible. Apparently, Mike Evans, Director of Production at Capcom, would rather allow players to jump straight right in without worrying about a swarm of options, GameInformer reported.

In order to compensate for this streamlining, Capcom has ousted the "X-factor" mechanic in favor of six power-up options known as "Infinity Stones." A couple of stones have already been unveiled until now -- one with "power" and the other comprising "time" abilities.

Just like the X-factor mechanic, the infinity stone is expendable anytime. The single X-factor effect is replaced by each stones having different effects on a fighter. Moreover, a "power" stone boosts the damage for attacks. The "time" stone may enable the player to not only dodge but also acquire more and more hits when doing a combo.

Six confirmed fighters have been spotted so far. These include:

Captain America
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Mega Man

Although, the team behind the upcoming title have kept the remaining characters that are expected to be added to the roster under wraps, recently surfaced reports throw more light on the aces the upcoming title could have up its sleeve. Marvel has confirmed a forward-thinking approach will be adapted while finalizing their characters.

There's also hearsay that characters from the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" are heading to the game. Do you think this is an indication that newer characters will be replacing the older ones? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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