Next on our 'Pokémon GO" guide, we will discuss how to nab your very own cute fairy-type Pokémon Clefairy.
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Next on our "Pokémon GO" guide, we will be discussing how to nab Psychic Pokémon Abra, and its evolved forms Kadabra and Alakazam.
For players of the widely popular “Pokémon Go,” game publisher Niantic pushed some updates where it almost broke the game's radar system. People had to rely to 3rd party services like “PokéVision,” which the company also blocked. Now users need to find a good alternative.
Next on our "Pokémon GO" guide, we will cover how to obtain the fire-type Pokémon Vulpix and Ninetales.
Here's how and where to find Haunter, Gastly, and Gengar in "Pokémon GO." Here's how and where to find Haunter, Gastly, and Gengar in "Pokémon GO.
Our next "Pokémon GO" guide will be about more rare Pokémon. Here's how and where to get Scyther, Pinsir, and Electabuzz and add them to your growing monster collection in the game.
Next on our "Pokémon GO" guide, we will discuss how to obtain the three dragons of the first generation Pokémon: Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite.
Almost a month into the "Pokémon GO" mobile game craze and there is still no signs of it slowing down.
With the game recently launched in Hong Kong, most countries in Asia are still waiting for "Pokémon GO" to reach their shores. Here are some "Pokémon GO" related news from Asian countries, Taiwan and Thailand.
A rumor claimed that Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo was spotted in the popular Tsuruma Park in Nagoya, Japan.
With "Pokémon Go" going full steam ahead in many countries, the chase has now proceeded to winning gym fights. This guide offers a few tips to help players prepare, train, and win numerous gym battles.
With the popular mobile game "Pokémon GO” now in full swing in various countries, the hunt has now moved on to obtaining more powerful Pokémon. Here are some creatures you may want to add to your growing Pokédex in “Pokémon GO.”
"Pokémon GO" players who are new to the franchise will definitely still recognize the three starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Here's a quick look at the three critters and how to effectively evolve them into stronger monsters.