"Pokémon GO" players who are new to the franchise will definitely still recognize the three starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. These three, along with Pikachu, are one of the most recognizable mons in the game.

Here's a quick look at the three critters and how to effectively evolve them into stronger monsters.

The most effective way to get any higher evolution Pokémon is to start with the first tier, although it could get a bit time-consuming.

To get Blastoise, we should start with getting a Squirtle. As with all water-type Pokémon, Squirtle can be found near bodies of water like lakes and oceans.

For Charizard, Charmander is the first tier. Charmander is a fire-type Pokémon, and can be found in hot places like beaches. They can also be found in residential areas and suburban neighborhoods.

To get a Venusaur, you should get Bulbasaur first. Bulbasaur is a grass-type Pokémon, and can be found in grassy areas such as parks, meadows, golf courses and farmlands.

Once you've obtained your Pokémon of choice, you should start farming for Evolution Candies. Each Pokémon needs 25 Candies to evolve into the second tier, Ivysaur, Charmeleon and Wartortle.

The next tier is a bit tricky, as evolving from second to final tier requires 100 Candies. In total, evolving to the final tier requires 125 First-Tier Candies. For example, you would need 125 Squirtle Candy to evolve Squirtle into Blastoise.

As we have detailed on our previous guide, the most effective way to get candies is to hatch eggs, as it will give more candy compared to simply catching a Pokémon.

Evolving almost all Pokemon to the final level can be a bit tedious, but it would definitely be worth it in the long run. Evolving Pokémon has always been an exciting event for fans of the game since the Game Boy days, and evolving your mons in "Pokémon GO" will be a satisfying experience as well.

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