Apple is reportedly gearing up to release three different iPhone models this year. These include the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus models and the completely redesigned iPhone 8.
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Is Apple planning to make their components for the future iPhones? It's not a modern dogma that Apple is planning to give a major redesign for the upcoming iPhone 8.
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Recently WikiLeaks shared a few documents coming from the CIA to show how extensive their hacking tools were.
A man was reportedly electrocuted to his death in a freak accident involving the iPhone. A man was reportedly electrocuted to his death in a freak accident involving the iPhone.
A video of an exploding iPhone 7 Plus recently began circulating on the internet. People have gotten used to seeing videos of Samsung devices exploding on the internet, particularly the now infamous Galaxy Note 7.
A six-year old iPhone 4s claiming to be one of super limited edition Steve Jobs design is selling on eBay for whooping $150,000.
Apple is not looking to compete with smart speakers of Amazon and Google. The Amazon Echo and Google Home are very amazing devices. Both have the capabilities of streaming music and answering your questions just by speaking to it.
The iPhone 8 is thought to come with wireless charging when it comes out this year. The next iPhone release is believed to have wireless charging when it launches this year.
iPhone users have some options for them to be able to identify who is calling them without even looking at their screens.
The tweaks will add a new dimension to the user's iPhone experience. iPhone users who are into iOS tweaking got good news when version 10. 2's jailbreak came out last week.
There have been debates as to what the next Apple iPhone would be like. Even the name of the smartphone has been debated on whether it be an iPhone 8 or iPhone X. However, there is one 2017 iPhone feature that all seem to agree on, the smartphone will feature an OLED display screen.