“Rainbow Skies” and PS Vita owners have something to look forward to this year. In the wake of the cancellation of the many PlayStation Vita games, developer and publisher EastAsiaSoft took to Twitter to assure fans that "Rainbow Skies" will still be pushed for Vita.
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Toyota Camry has been one of the best-selling cars in U.S. for past 15 years but has not being known for its looks. Well, that situation is about to change with the new Toyota Camry US which will get a completely new look and design.
"Standby" is now available on Steam with 15 percent discount but for a limited time. Players will experience a new way to test their reflexes in this game from NoClip and HypeTrain.
Discover the best sources for farming Gil fast and their corresponding Gil rewards on "Final fantasy XV."
The NewYork City Subway stations will have proper Wi-Fi and Cellular Connectivity from January 9. This step is a part of the $300 million project partnership between MTA and Transit Wireless.
The strange radio waves have captured the imagination of many men of science since a decade, and the basic question has finally been answered. But does this mean that the mystery is solved, or is it creating more questions ahead?
Microsoft just releasd the Windows 10 Preview Build 15002 for the PC Windows insider. Microsoft just released its Windows 10 Preview Build 15002 for PC to Windows Insiders of the Fast Ring, ahead of the Creators update, which is due early this year, according to a report by PC World.
Super Retro Boy is expected to launch in in August 2017. Fans of the original Game Boy are looking forward to its remake - the Super Retro Boy. The upcoming portable gaming device is designed to look and feel very much like the popular 1990s device.
YouTuber KHAce recreated "Super Mario Land" in the Wii U version of Super Mario Maker. "Super Mario Land" was just recreated within "Super Mario Maker.
Qualcomm is going to debut its Snapdragon 835 processor in Samsung's Galaxy S8. Samsung is reportedly already hard at work at its next generation smartphone, the Galaxy S8.
The Coalition is expected to launch an update that will improve the "Gears of War 4" experience.
The Dell Latitude 7285 is posing some serious threats to the Microsofost Surface Pro 4 because of the laptop and tablet functionalities it offers to users.
This technology is called HoloActive Touch that establishes a floating graphic over the console. BMW claimed last year that they will bring some holographic control interface to CES.