The Nexus 5X is now getting Google Pixel's fingerprint gesture feature. It was announced in the last week of January, as the Android 7.1.2's launch was also announced for Nexus devices.

Since last year, there was much controversy over why Nexus devices were not getting the fingerprint gesture despite it being used on the Google Pixel. Both devices are powered by Android 7.1 Nougat, but the Nexus 5X doesn't have the gesture feature. The fingerprint gesture feature is used to check phone notifications by making simple gestures on the fingerprint sensor.

As cited by an Engadget report, the Android 7.1.2 OTA brings the new fingerprint gesture feature on the Nexus device. The "Moves" that are appearing on the Nexus 5X after the new Android 7.1.2 update are basically shortcuts that let users access different features of the handset device, or control parts of its interface using the fingerprint scanner.

Although the Nexus 5X received the Android 7.1.2 OTA and the fingerprint gesture feature, reports claim that it is unlikely for the Nexus 6P to have it in the future. However, 9To5 Google claimed that there is a planned update in the works for the device.

In the coming months, users expect Google to roll-out the final release of the Android 7.1.2 update. Aside from Google Pixel, Nexus 5X, and Pixel XL, the Android update will also be available for other devices such as Google Pixel C, Nexus 6P and Nexus Player.

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