"Thor: Ragnarok" director Taika Waititi has recently confirmed his cameo in the upcoming Marvel film. The director is known for appearing in every movie he makes, and his newest project won't be an exemption.

Speaking of cameos, Marvel former president and chairman Stan Lee could also make a brief appearance in "Thor: Ragnarok." Lee has also been known to make funny and notable cameos in previous Marvel flicks.

As reported by the AV Club, Waititi said that that cameos are not like a thing "he had ever planned." "I'll probably just keep doing that. It's like a dumb thing I do now," he said. Waititi hasn't revealed where or when his cameo will pop up in "Thor: Ragnarok," but theories suggest that he could appear as an Asgardian or another alien from a different galaxy.

Meanwhile, previous "Thor: Ragnarok" updates have already confirmed that Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk, will also be part of the film. Reports confirmed that he will fight with Thor in a gladiatorial battle as they will be both imprisoned in the far end of the universe.

Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, is also confirmed to appear in the third "Thor" movie, according to Slash Film. No details was released about his role in the film, but as the report suggested, it could just be a small supporting role.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is originally scheduled for a July 2017, but was later moved to an Oct. 27, 2017 UK release and Nov. 3 2017 US release.

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