The brand new series "Ride" debuted recently on YTV and Nickelodeon stars Kendra Leigh Timmins (Kit), Jonny Gray, Manuel Pacific, Oliver Dench, Rameet Rauli and Alana Boden. The show centers on the exploits of Katherine "Kit" Bridges when she and her Dad relocate to England for his new job at Covington Academy, an exclusive equestrian boarding school.
Fitting In A Brand New School
All-American Kit has got a lot on her plate. Not only does she have to move across the ocean, but she has to go to a super fancy school, too. Figuring out her place in this new world, Kit finds an unexpected friend in the school's wildest horse. Along with her new classmates, her Dad (Mike Shara), and new pal, TK, there's nothing that stands in Kit's way -- that is, except her great fear of riding horses. Eventually, Kit is able to develop a special relationship with TK, writes Just Jared Jr.
Moreover, all the kids ride horses in Covington and riding horses every day is essentially required to graduate. Kit's positivity and determination can certainly help in doing what she needs to do even when she gets into a lot of trouble.
"Ride" Is A Collaboration Of Successful Producers
Commissioned by Nickelodeon and YTV, and produced by Canada's Breakthrough Entertainment and the UK's Buccaneer Media, the show was created by Jill Girling (Life with Derek) and Lori Mather-Welch (Would Be Kings, Queer As Folk). The series was cast by KM Casting and was filmed in Toronto and on location in a real castle in Northern Ireland, shares NIckALive.
"We love having YTV and Nickelodeon as our broadcast partners on 'Ride'," Breakthrough Entertainment's EVP, Family Entertainment and Executive Producer, Joan Lambu said. "They both share Breakthrough and Buccaneer's vision for the series which has made this a wonderful collaboration."
Kendra Timmins is a Canadian star who got started performing in musical theatre productions and has been featured in a number of national commercials. She is most well known for her role as Denise on "Wingin' It."
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