Reports about a new Nokia smartphone emerged online following the preview of Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset at CES 2017 held in Las Vegas. Dubbed as Nokia 8, the new Android mobile phone is expected to be the next flagship device of the Finnish company. However, a Qualcomm spokesperson already made it clear that the smartphone used at CES 2017 demonstration is not a Nokia device but its Qualcomm's own reference design device, reportedly.

The internet seems to be hyped with the images leaked that showed the alleged Nokia 8. A report by Tech Times detailed the possible specs of the upcoming mobile phone, including 6GB RAM, 64GB to 128GB storage capacity options and the Snapdragon 835 processor. It is also expected to sport a 12MP front camera and a 24MP back camera that is packed with optical image stabilization (OIS) and electronic image stabilization (EIS) technologies for better image quality.

However, users are advised to take such speculations with a grain of salt as the company has not officially announced the development of Nokia 8. Additionally, a report by pointed out that recent reports related to Nokia 8 being used by Qualcomm at CES 2017 are not true. The news was confirmed by a spokesperson named Catherine Baker who said that the reference design device is owned by Qualcomm, which it uses every time it demonstrates the latest Snapdragon SoC annually.

That said, it is safe to say for now that the device featured in the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset demo is not a Nokia mobile phone. However, the representative did not reveal further details about the device used at CES 2017, including its manufacturer. The question remains whether HMD, the Nokia device manufacturer, developed the smartphone for Qualcomm or not.

Do you believe that the device used by Qualcomm is an HMD manufactured Nokia branded smartphone? Let us know your thoughts in our comments section below. In the meantime, check out the video that shows the Nokia 8 specs here.

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