Niantic previously showcased a working prototype of the Apple Watch version for their highly popular augmented reality mobile video game, Pokémon Go, back in September. But since then, the company has not released any updates regarding the development of the game's accompanying Apple Watch app yet, which led to numerous reports claiming that it may have been cancelled altogether.

Several publications reached out to the company to confirm if this was indeed the case. Much to the relief of fans, a spokesperson from Niantic has responded and confirmed that the new watch app for Pokémon Go was, in fact, not cancelled. The rep then explained that they were still developing the Apple Watch app and that they will have more news about it very soon.

Reports of the cancellation were initially brought about by the publication 9to5Mac, which mentioned a source in Niantic confirming that the development was put on hold. It further claimed that the Apple Watch app showcased during last September's launch event was merely an unfinished port of the game and that it really wasn't a completely functioning app yet.

The app itself basically transformed the Apple Watch into a Pokémon Go Plus accessory, albeit with a number of other useful features. Aside from simply alerting the user of any nearby Pokémon, the app itself also serves different functions like allowing a user to play most of the game even without using a smartphone. The Apple Watch Pokémon Go app will also allow users to track their walking distance, hatch eggs, see earned medals, and collect items from PokésStops. The only time an Apple Watch user will be forced to take out a smartphone would be to actually catch a Pokémon if it appears.

The Apple Watch Pokémon Go app was originally announced to be launched sometime in 2016, but seeing that Niantic is yet to reveal a fixed launch date, a 2016 launch is unlikely to happen at this point in time.

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