Google has launched the first Android 15 update for Pixel devices. Eligible gadgets in this rollout include Pixel 6 and above. According to reports, the update will run for the remainder of the week; however, the length of this period differs with different carriers and models.
This update contains some critical security fixes. Therefore, users need to head towards the November 2024 version of Android 15 as soon as possible.
Installation Requirements Android 15 Compatibility
An update on November is only for Pixel devices running Android 15. If you are not seeing an update, don't worry about your phone is still on Android 14. Google's support page has every compatible version for every device. Refer to the details below:
- Pixel 6: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 6 Pro: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 6a: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 7: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 7 Pro: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 7a: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel Tablet: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel Fold: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 8: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 8 Pro: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 8a: AP3A.241105.007
- Pixel 9: AP3A.241105.008
- Pixel 9 Pro: AP3A.241105.008
- Pixel 9 Pro XL: AP3A.241105.008
- Pixel 9 Pro Fold: AP3A.241105.008
Bug Fixes: Better Performance
Updates do not add new features but focus instead on fixing initial Android 15 bugs. Here are the following summary statements of key improvements:
Pixel 9 Series: There is an issue related to odd tilting when zooming between cameras in video recording, as well as an issue with Bluetooth which reduced the range in certain situations. Display fixes include a lot of work in alignment for display uniformity and Adaptive Brightness.
Keyboard Dismiss: Another fix is related to the keyboard dismiss button, which at times wasn't responding when it ought to have.
Improvements for All Eligible Pixel Devices
Besides the Pixel 9 fixes, this update brings general improvements on all eligible devices including Pixel 6 and later. Google describes these as "performance and stability improvements" in specific UI transitions and animations for an improved user experience.
Pixel 8a Display Flicker Issue Solved
For Pixel 8a, the patch will address some targeted improvements for that device's display brightness flicker under particular conditions. It is peculiar to that model and part of efforts to have a display consistency both for it and the user.
According to the November Pixel Security Bulletin, there are three critical security patches that have "High" severity ratings: CVE-2024-47038, CVE-2024-47040, and CVE-2024-47039. If it's this important, users may want to jump at the update immediately when it becomes available on their device.
Checking and Installing the Update
To check if November 2024 is ready for your device do the following, as per Android Central.
- Go to Settings.
- Scroll down to System
- Tap Software update, then Tap System update.
- Choose Check for Update at the bottom right of your desktop to refresh and see if something is available.
When you see an update, follow the onscreen instructions to download and install it. Keeping your device updated is important for maximum security and performance.
In other news, Apple introduced a new feature for its Find My app. Since it's tedious to search for our lost items, the new "Share Item Location" functionality will do the job for you.
What's more, it works by just sharing location links with other people or strangers who might come across into including drivers, airline staff, utility staff, and more.
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