The latest version, the fourth one to be precise, of the Apple TV can now be pre-ordered online. Shipping of the said device will be this Friday, October 30. It is said to be the revolutionary attempt of Apple to provide a more enhanced viewing experience for users.
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Asus is planning to expand more its hold on the technology world, branching out from the pc industry to the smart watch and smart phone industry.
Rumor has it that with the release of Apple's Iphone 6s showcasing the pressure sensitive 3D touch feature, known companies Samsung and Xiaomi has duplicated it and is also set to relese their own upcoming mobile devices featuring a somewhat similar feature.
Internet.org, Facebook's initiative towards bringing the internet closer to people without it; is not offering cheap wireless internet services through their service called Express Wi-Fi.
Facebook on its latest campaign against its competitors released its new version of its search feature. The search FYI is said to be one of facebooks biggest attempt to thwart its competitors and improve the Facebook experience for its users.
Apple's supplier chain and stores now gets powered by clean energy. The first of the planned energy projects for converting Apple's chain in China is recently finished. This is just one of the efforts of Apple towards a cleaner earth.
ZTE follow Apple's lead by coming up with its own payment program for letting new clients try their devices.
A new form of digital payment will become available through LG. Will it compete or make payments through the Android OS more fragmented?
The social media giant takes fire after paying taxes lower than an average UK citizen. Facebook, the social media giant, is causing a lot of stir in the UK and not in a good way.
Samsung offers an alternative to the bulky and pricey Oculus Rift. Virtual Reality that is available for the masses is no longer a sci-fi story. This November, a new Samsung VR headset will retail at just $99 US.
ZTE launches a new strategy that will let them snatch both high and low-end markets. ZTE's conference in Shenzen China announced the global release of its flagship products along with the Axon Mini.
The refined, albeit more practical "Dislike Button", is your old like button with emojis. A couple of weeks back, we wrote an article about Facebook's dislike button.
One of the two manufacturers for the A9 chip reportedly has a shorter battery life. Can you guess which one?