Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 processor chip is going to be the future of mobiles in 2017 and beyond. These chips pack in a number of awesome features such as...
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Hackers are using important Indian institutional names to goad Whatsapp users into opening malicious files which then piggybacks sensitive personal information. Similar hacks may be replicated in other major regions.
Fiat Chrysler Portal concept Minivan/SUV vehicle is what we assume the future of cars. It packs a number of features that are truly worth checking out.
The long-awaited episode 73 of "Dragon Ball Super" is slated to air this Sunday. The said episode will focus on Gohan in a never-before-seen way as he steps forward to be a stuntman for deadly scenes in a movie featuring Barry Kaan as The Great Saiyaman.
Lonely men will not be lonely anymore because of the new technology that Vinclu company has developed, which is the "Gatebox." It allows a person to interact with an artificial intelligence contained in a compact, cylinder structure.
Technology investor Norwest Venture Partners on predicting what will be the newest trends and startups to invest on in the tech industry.
It looks like CNN thinks of the public to be really innocent that they will not be able to figure out the screenshot used in the news. Russians computer hacking techniques have nothing to do with this image for sure.
Tesla To Release Autopilot Update as New Year's Gift! Check this out for more details. Tesla Motors, one of the biggest companies in the U. S. has announced New Year's gift for their 1,000 customers.
Jamie Dornan's sex life has never been influenced by his role as Christian Grey, he says. A month before the "Fifty Shades Darker" premiere, another teaser video was released, showing more of Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson.
Mariah Carey's NYE performance wasn't what fans expected it to be. There are now two sides of the story that has emerged. Check out the details below.
'Re: ZERO' has defeated 'Yuri!! on Ice' in the ranks of Crunchyroll's 2016 top anime list. Get the details below.
LMDs will be the main threat when "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Season 4 returns. A new poster has just been released for "Agents of S. H. I.
Tom Cruise's absence at the San Diego Scientology event sparked reports that he has left the Church.