Apple has said that its smartwatch will hit retail in early 2015, but a new report now claims that the Apple Watch will face limited supply at launch.
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Apple has released its iOS 8.1 beta and a reference reveals that the upcoming iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 will come with Touch ID and Apple Pay.
Apple has officially announced that its new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are ready to hit China, so here's what you need to know in terms of pricing and availability for all models.
Apple has recently pushed out iOS 8.0.2 to fix the issues caused by iOS 8.0.1, but the latest update apparently caused even more damage.
Apple has reportedly packed advanced encryption technology into its new-generation iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, locking out the NSA and other government agencies from accessing their data.
Apple has finally responded to claims that its iPhone 6 Plus bends under normal pressure, suggesting that the whole #bendgate phenomenon is greatly exaggerated.
The world has been buzzing about the iPhone 6 Plus bending and warping issues, so here's what Apple support had to say about warranty replacements.
Reports have started to pile up regarding a warping and bending issue with the iPhone 6 Plus, as many users saw their handset distorted after keeping it in a pocket.
Samsung has reportedly accelerated the launch of its Galaxy Note 4 and set challenging sales goals with aggressive pricing in order to counter Apple's newly-launched iPhone 6 Plus.
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have underwent a battery performance test, but the results are a bit disappointing.
With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus officially available, iFixit has already performed a teardown of both devices and found notable battery improvements.
Apple has temporarily pulled all HealthKit-based apps from its App Store due to unspecified issues, marring the launch of iOS 8.
Apple has released its latest iOS 8, as well as a comprehensive guide entitled 'Move content from your Android phone to iPhone' to help ease the transition.