Apple sent invites for its launch event slated for Tuesday, Oct. 23, in which the company is expected to reveal the highly-anticipated iPad Mini. Till now the iPad has been offered in staid black or white variants, and many users may be hoping that the iPad Mini will be launched in various vibrant hues.
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Google introduced a new Samsung Chromebook on Thursday, Oct. 18, touting refreshed specs and an unusually low $249 price tag.
Google is holding a media event on Oct. 29 in New York, where the Internet search giant is expected to unveil its next generation Nexus phone and a 32GB model of Nexus 7 tablet, along with a couple of other surprises.
PC and console accessory make Razer launched a competition on Oct. 17, offering a Star Wars-themed version of its Blade laptop as the prize.
On Oct. 16 Apple sent out invitations for its latest special event on Oct. 23 in which the company is speculated to launch its much-awaited iPad Mini.
Samsung unveiled its Galaxy Note 2 earlier this year and the grapevine has been abuzz with rumors and leaks that LG is likely to release Optimus Vu 2, a follow-up to its Optimus Vu phablet, challenging rival Samsung's dominance in the phablet market.
Samsung announced the details of its upcoming Windows 8 mobile PC and All-In-One product line up on Tuesday, Oct. 16. The devices are up for pre-order and will hit the shelves from Oct. 26, post Windows 8's official launch.
On Oct. 16, Apple sent out invitations for its next event on Oct. 23 in which the Cupertino-based company is expected to reveal its much-awaited iPad Mini. Rumors indicate that on Oct. 23 the iPad Mini will share the stage with a new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display and a Mac Mini.
Best Buy announced its home-cooked Android tablet, Insignia Flex, last week. It will retail for a mid-$200 price, according to a report.
With the invites for Apple's Oct. 23 event sent out, where the company is expected to launch its highly-anticipated iPad Mini, analysts speculate that the latest iPad Mini will cannibalize 15 to 20 percent sales of its previous iterations.
Microsoft lifted the veil on pre-orders for Surface, its laptop-tablet hybrid device running Windows 8 priced from $499. Windows 8 needs apps, though, and quickly.
Microsoft is showing confidence in its Surface RT Windows 8 tablet push by making plans to ship 3-5 million units by this fall. That is a huge amount, but not huge enough when the Apple iPad is shipping three times that amount.
Microsoft is preparing the Surface tablet for release on October 25 with all the advertisements going on. However, there was one major thing missing, and that's the price. Not anymore though, as the company had accidentally leaked pricing of the RT version of the Surface on its website earlier.