“Pokémon Emerald” had its debut in this year’s Awesome Games Done last January 9 with Anthony aka ‘thetryant14’ Rosner finished the game all the way to its end in just two hours and 56 minutes.
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The new DLC pack for "Dark Souls 3" uncovered by a Youtuber! What's the new DLC name? Find out here.
Game developer, Yacht Club, has just announced that its popular video game "Shovel Knight" will be available for Nintendo Switch.
“Halo” Director Frank O’Connor said that Project Scorpio is “beefier” than he expected in an answer to a fan on NeoGAF. Microsoft's upcoming console is said to be the most powerful console ever built.
Day after release of "Gears of War 4" third title update and players can now dissect what changes did Microsoft and developer The Coalition made in the game.
The fourth and final expansion of "Star Wars Battlefront" introducing some bug fixes and weapons to the game.
Apparently, even "League of Legend" developers think that they need multi-patch affairs. The latest patch 7. 1 of "League of Legends" will introduce new Warring Kingdoms and Heartseeker skins but the question is, will this update succeed in fixing the game's major concerns.
“For Honor” closed beta is expected to launch from Jan. 26-19. Players are required to sign up for a chance to play the game.
Do not lose hope on PS Vita. Contrary to popular belief, PlayStation Vita is not dead. Sony's handheld still lives and is getting a lot of love from publishers and developers this year.
Square's visual director, Tetsuya Nomura, has revealed that they would have killed off more characters if director Yoshinori Kitase had his way.
"FNaF" creator Scott Cawthon revealed that the franchise's RPG version will be out to iOS and Android devices soon.
More than a month before "Horizon: Zero Dawn" unleashes on PlayStation 4, a tutorial leading to combative gameplay surfaced on YouTube.
"Resident Evil 7" is unique in a way that this horror shocker is a sense that it is revolutionizing survival game by making a first-person game entirely.