"Pokémon Emerald" had its debut in this year's Awesome Games Done last January 9 with Anthony aka 'thetryant14' Rosner finished the game all the way to its end in just two hours and 56 minutes; using only two Pokémon.

"Pokémon Emerald" originally known as "Pocket Monsters Emerald," is a role-playing video game for Game Boy Advance handheld video game console. It was developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo.

Anthony Rosner picked his favorate Mudkip as his starter Pokémon, which dominated the whole game. He only used refinements of "Pokémon Emerald" itself to boosts his achievement up to Victory Road; a most typical type of speedrun using a particular number of conditions.

The SpeedRunner Anthony Rosner explained that in order to finish the game quickly, gamers must choose a female character for a faster phase game. He mentioned that using a female hero; there's a lesser text and conversations to read in the game; less stat conflict and picking Mudkip which is the most versatile starter, a very determined choice. He also added to reset a particular position that helps for an audio clue which helps to land a Mudkip in a certain gender. A dry cartridge battery is also an important factor which a Pokémon player would never put in mind.

"Pokémon Emerald" players must notice that the third generation of Pokémon games was imported in different natures; changing all Pokémon statistics in different distinct ways. It is one of the key factors of the competitive meta game; to get an acceptable unorthodox style of gaming which helped Anthony Rosner accelerated and finished the game all the way out.

For all Pokémon avid gamers who want to learn about this amazing speedrun game must watch how Anthony Rosner made it at Awesome Games Done Quick; it is one of the pioneering Game Boy Advance Pokémon Game which was released nearly 14 years ago.

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