WhatsApp Messenger, the immensely popular cross-platform instant messenger service for smartphones, which enables users to stay connected, send media files, and group chat has encountered some heavy weather. The messenger app has landed in hot water for breaching international privacy laws due to the manner in which it handles Address Book data, per Canadian and Dutch data authorities.
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Apple has officially announced that it will begin shipping a new 128GB fourth-generation iPad. In a move to help consumers store more stuff on their iPads the folks in Cupertino have doubled the capacity of the fourth-generation iPad to a whopping 128GB model.
Microsoft has confirmed that it will officially launch Office 2013 on Jan. 29 in New York Microsoft has confirmed that it will officially launch Office 2013 on Jan.
Vine has finally begun to filter out porn-related searches to prevent the rush of pornographic content to its network.
Internet users in Europe may soon see a button that reads 'Flag This As Terrorism' on their favorite Web browsers.
The Facebook iOS app update brings in major features such as in-app video recording and sharing, voice messaging, and a revamped Nearby tab.
Samsung seems to be pulling out all stops to expand its online music streaming service - Music Hub - beyond its Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 devices to other companies' gadgets as well.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, Samsung has announced a Garnet Red Edition of its 7-inch Galaxy Tab 2. The limited edition color offering will cost $219.99, include a free matching case and run Android Jelly Bean.
Letterpress, the addictive word game on iOS has been updated to version 1.3. The update brings shake-to-shuffle feature, a new high-contrast theme, and more enhancements for a better gaming experience.
It appears that Apple is getting to release a new fourth-generation iPad as new SKUs for the device appear in a major retailer's inventory system.
Rumor has it that Samsung is gearing up to unleash an arsenal of Galaxy tablets at the upcoming MWC 2013 in Barcelona this February. One of the much-rumored devices is the Galaxy Tab 3, which the company will allegedly launch in 7-inch and 10-inch versions; and now leaked images of a boxed Galaxy Tab 3 have popped up online.
Amazon's Cloud Drive Photos updated. Amazon is entering the same league as that of Dropbox, Google Plus and Facebook. Per reports, Amazon is now offering users the opportunity to automatically upload pictures taken on the move with the user's phone or tablet for safe keeping and/or sharing via the Amazon-made Cloud Drive Photos.
Amazon dominates the Android tablet market worldwide with its Kindle Fire range and that over 59 percent of all Android tablet usage came from the U.S.