Samsung is gearing up to launch its Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet at the upcoming MWC 2013 in Barcelona this February. The 8-inch tablet will look to throw the gauntlet to competing devices in the smaller tablet space, including the best-selling ASUS-made Nexus 7 tablet from Google.
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Oracle has released an updated version of Java 7 to address vulnerabilities seen with the last build.
The benchmark confirms some of the core specifications about the devices. Samsung has been busy working on a slew of mid- and low-range Android devices and it was reported that eight of them are ready to hit the shelves very soon, possibly at the Mobile World Congress (MWC).
The iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak tool ‘evasiOn’ is 80 percent complete now and is expected to be released on Sunday.
The hackers may have gained access to a number of data including usernames, email addresses, session tokens and encrypted/salted versions of passwords.
The rumor mill for the next-generation iPad is ticking on and latest rumors indicate that the purported 9.7-inch iPad will have G/F2 touchscreen making the tablet thinner and lighter.
iPhone Plus is plausible as an additional model and not a replacement and so, the device can possibly have a 4.94-inch 16:9 screen.
Leaked images show the Google phone in white color with the sparkling back. The long-heard rumors of a white Nexus 4 from Google and LG are turning out to be true as a set of leaked images show the Google phone in white color with the sparkling back.
Sony has announced that it will host a major PlayStation event on Feb. 20 sparking another round of speculations about the possible arrival of the PlayStation 3 successor.
It is often said that "bigger is better" and that seems to be the mantra adopted by major smartphone makers for 2013. A slew of 5-inch 1080p smartphones have already set the trend, and things are looking "bigger" and brighter as the year progresses.
Samsung Plans to introduce a number of Android devices in the coming months including GT-B9150 model.
Samsung Galaxy S4 will be unveiled sometime between April 15-22. A lot have been spoken about the most-awaited Samsung product of the year Galaxy S4 and every rumor about the device has a different twist.
Tumblr for iOS-based iPhone and iPad has been updated by the developers with a brand new mature 17+ rating feature.