Microsoft Surface Phone is expected to be launched in a few months' time at the company's technical event in October. In order to provide you with an overview of the device, below we have jotted down the expected specs and features of the device.
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Apple consumers have been waiting for the arrival of iMac 2016 as rumors have suggested that it will finally be available by the last quarter of this year.
Windows 10 Redstone 2 Build will not feature many new changes The latest update on the upcoming Windows 10 Redstone 2 hinted that it will sport the enhanced version of the operating system's underlying structure, OneCore.
The new Sony Xperia X2 phone, also labeled as the Sony Xperia XR, is expected to feature many modifications as compared to the recently launched Xperia XA device.
The upcoming Google Nexus 2016 is expected to sport two new variants, the Sailfish and Marlin with many new specs and features like the upcoming Android 7.0 Nougat OS, and enhanced Snapdragon chipset and graphics card.
As the fourth quarter of 2016 draws closer, consumers who have been waiting for more rumors and updates on Microsoft Surface Pro 5 have become more eager for solid news.
Google's 'Together' watch face, which was designed to mimic the Digital Touch feature on Apple's iWatch, will be discontinued from end of September.
The latest rumors about the upcoming MacBook Pro 2016 hinted that the device will sport improved Touch ID functions and a new operating system.
Although there has been no official confirmation about the possible release date of iPhone 8, many speculate that it might be released in September 2017.
Despite rumors flying thick and fast in cyberspace regarding the features of the iPad Air 3, the main question remains: when will Apple announce its release date?
Apple has recently released iOS 9.3.4, a minor software update for all devices that run iOS 9 to iPhone 4s and newer, iPad 2 and newer, all iPad Pro and iPad Mini tablets and the fifth- and sixth-gen iPod touch.
The latest Samsung Galaxy S8 rumors have suggested that consumers will surely enjoy a much improved Virtual Reality experience with the arrival of the new device from the Korean tech giant.
The rumors about Apple iPad Mini 5 hinted that it might get a release date along with the company's upcoming iPhone 7.