After fans were left hanging on its third season, "Hannibal" showrunners talk about bringing the American TV series back on NBC.
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Get free Battlepacks, Holiday Truce dog tags and more exciting surprises during the "Battlefield 1" Holiday Event up to December 29.
The PlayStation VR is on top of wishlist and it is now loaded with new app for better movie and TV viewing experience.
Nintendo is now having a huge sale on their games for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. If you just purchased or received a new Nintendo 3DS or Wii U as a present, you might want to check out huge discounts from the Wii U and 3DS eShop.
Is Joel really dead in "The Last Of Us 2?" Fans of the action survival-horror video game from Naughty Dog game studios were elated when the official announcement for "The Last Of Us 2" was released.
Discover the tips and tricks on how to create a cruel world out of the joyous games "Planet Coaster" and learn as well the sadist's way of burning your employees alive, drowning people and more.
These essential apps installed on your brand new iPhone can dramatically impact your daily life. Your iPhone is not just a device to capture the best moments of your everyday life, as well as your trips and travels.
"FFXV' designer talks about how the team was disorganized, as well as the changes made on the game's characters throughout the process.
A sleuth of streaming apps from the ABC network brings more local content to viewers. Local news are coming subscribers' way this holidays, as Disney-owned ABC launched a suite of streaming apps for its Fire TV.
Discover the tips, tricks and on some must-know secrets every Apple TV owner must discover and use. After playing some of the games intended exclusively for tvOS and connecting your favorite streaming apps on your Apple TV, there are still more to do about the Apple TV.
Since the Countdown began, countless titles including popular ones were discounted for up to 60 percent for Xbox One and Xbox 360 owners.
Learn the steps on how to use efficiently Continuity features in MacOS and iOS. Continuity is Apple's group of six features available in the most recent versions of iOS and MacOS.
Avast software revealed in a report the lists of applications that causes the highest level of battery drain and slow device performance.