The OnePlus 3T smartphone is a specifications wonder similar to the Apple iPhone 7. However, in certain areas, it even surpasses the Apple flagship.
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The Simpson's writer Rob LaZebnik’s 12-year-old son introduced him to the mobile strategy game, “Clash of Clans.”
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Echo connects to an Amazon Assistant while Google Home brings you to an oceanic knowledge of Google.
The demo from the upcoming gamefrom SEGA entitled "Valkyria Revolution" is released and ready to play in Japan. Two new trailers featuring battle system, Jutland, and LeGION environments are featured.
LG Officially Announces 2017 K Series And Stylus 3 Smartphones LG comes with their newest smartphones introducing the K-Series and Stylus 3! All these smartphones will be showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show this coming January 2017.
The BitTorrent Live system is now available on the iOS with a few conditions to take note of. BitTorrent Live may have some good news for those that apparently wait for it to reach the iOS platform.
Apple could release three iPads in 2017 but the release date of the next generation Apple iPads may be delayed due to a supply chain issue.
Fake "Super Mario Run" on Play Store has been suspended by Google due the violation of Nintendo's policy.
Will the next crisis on food shoratge be prevented by technology? According to a simulation by Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), the world is steadily going to a wild future where the crisis of food shortage can be a catalyst for wars and riots.
As a modern media practitioner who got the new Macbook, listed here are the best applications to ease your way to work and play!
Google Play and Amazon Video offers a great deal for the Yuletide season! Movie rental for less than a dollar from a wide selection of titles.