Qualcomm has released the Snapdragon 835. Notably, it is different in the node from 14nm of the older Snapdragon820/821 to the new 10nm.
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The Spectre x360 will have a thicker version for an additional 3 hours of battery life. HP has unveiled a new version of its 15. 6-inch Spectre x360 at the CES 2017 event.
The Goldman Sachs team revealed that even though the Gigafactory tour turned out to be helpful in understanding the processes and layouts for manufacturing lithium ion battery cells and packs, they found a lack of quantitative updates for year 2017 and also ramp expectations.
And more accessory partners too. Otterbox has announced that it will be selling their modular universe case system versions, which was previously for the iPhone alone to both iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro 9.
The new technology prototype announced by Bellus 3D allows the users to capture stunningly realistic 3D images of their faces. The company plans to add features like virtual make up application and VR avatars before the actual release in 2017 end.
The new LG Wallpaper OLED TV is now released for pre-order in Best Buy! LG Wallpaper OLED TV or LG's signature W-Series OLED TV is one of the highlights of this year's Consumers' Electronic Show 2017 (CES 2017) and it literally blew the roof with its awesomeness.
“The Originals” Season 4 is expected to see the direction of Elijah and Hayley’s relationship. Five years from the events of the previous season, Hope is expected to have grown up and developed a bond with her mother.
The Ricoh R could make 24-hour 360 live-streaming possible. Ricoh, makers of the camera line dubbed "the iPod of 360 shooters," has entered the live streaming territory with its new camera called the Rico R.
While the whole world is getting used to hearing information from a female voice, Sage’s VP of Bots and AI wants to break free from it.
Meet the HoloLamp, a holographic illusion system sans the bulky headset. Last year's Consumer Electronics Show was clearly the year of virtual reality, but CES 2017 proved that it is now time for augmented reality to shine.
Twitter will totally shut down Vine on January 17. Viners need to download their Vines before the said date as downloading will be blocked when Vine becomes Vine Camera.
Hyundai unveiled what it has in store for the future including a 'Mobility Vision Smart House' that makes your car an indistinguishable part of your living room.
LG Hub robots at the CES event in Las Vegas are generating a lot of buzz along with the recently launched Signature OLED TV range. The South Korean Tech Giant had earlier released a teaser on the Hub robot prior to the CES Event.