Samsung Chromebook Pro is rumored to have 8 to 16 GB of RAM. Samsung unveiled two Chromebook models during the Electronic Consumer Show 2017; Chromebook Plus and the Chromebook Pro.
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"World of Warcraft" Tokens can now be used as funds in Battle.net Balance, empowering gamers to use it for purchases of other Blizzard in-game items.
Guerilla Games has released three videos that show behind-the-scenes footage on how "Horizon: Zero Dawn" was created.
Cupertino-based Apple is expanding operations in India and will begin manufacturing iPhones in Bangalore starting April.
Expectants for the upcoming Huawei flagship P10 and beefier version P10 Plus don't have to wait until the end of February to know what features these devices pack under the hood.
Blackbird Technologies filed a lawsuit over patent breach for offline download feature against Netflix, Vimeo and three other companies.
If latest reports are to be believed, “Vampyr” and “Call of Cthulhu” will be released in the fourth quarter of 2017. Focus Home Interactive recently updated the product pages of both the games and this has caused a lot of fan excitement.
A recent interview from GameReacter has revealed some interesting information about a possible FIFA game for Nintendo Switch.
The NVIDIA Quadro GP100 along with other Pascal NVIDIA graphics card will be made available in March.
If latest reports are to be believed, “Overwatch” is getting new custom game options and a server browser. The game custom game option has been ineffective until now but that’s going to change finally. The server browser and game’s custom mode options are now available on the PTR for testing, Jeff Kaplan, the game director, and from the developer team has confirmed.
Both the LG Watch Style and LG Watch Sport are expected to be announced in three days time on 9 February.
Here are seven notable tweaks that are compatible with iOS 10 to 10.2. The latest release of the Yalu iOS jailbreak has enabled new tweaks for iPhone users.
Huawei's avid fans will soon find out the surprises that await them as the launch of its much-anticipated P10 and P10 Plus smartphones inch closer.