Nokia has been working tirelessly to make its HERE Maps platform the to go-to solution for mapping on the company's Lumia line of Windows Phone 8 devices. Recently, Nokia launched a new feature called LiveSight, a feature that allows the user to easier find his/her way around without getting lost.
By looking through the camera of your Lumia, LiveSight will identify places and pinpoint just where exactly you are on the Map. It's a decent feature, but it might not work accurately each and every time you attempt to give it a spin. Despite its shortcomings, LiveSight is still pretty impressive, as it bridges the gap between the real world and that of the digital one.
Once your camera is in front you while LiveSight is up and running, you'll notice the screen beginning to populate with venues and points of interest. Depending on how you position the screen, you can tell if a venue is directly in front of your position or extremely far away. This is a feature with a ton of potential, but we're guessing Nokia would have to allow users to tag venues and POIs since not all are featured in LiveSight.
What's also great about LiveSight, is that you can tap a venue or POIs to get certain information like a phone number, the address, email contact, or reviews
To help new users get into the experience more easily, Nokia has chosen to detail the LiveSight experience on HERE Maps with instructions on how to use and navigate with the new feature on the Nokia Conversations blog:
"If you're holding the phone perfectly upright you'll see POIs dart about the screen as you start to move the phone in any direction. If one of these icons is positioned directly in the centre of your screen, you know that the venue or location is directly ahead of you.
Cleverly, by placing your finger or thumb on the middle of the screen and pulling items downwards to the bottom, you'll start to flick your way through venues that are closer or further away. The nearest icon will fade out at the bottom, leaving the most distant ones on the screen. This is really useful when looking at a cluster of icons and you're trying to establish which one you want to navigate to.
At any point, of course, you can tap on a POI and see details of its exact location, including address, the phone numbers, photos and reviews. And if you need to, pressing the directions option will guide you there.
The radar at the top of the screen lets you see the position of other places around you, too.
Within the LiveSight view once again, as you begin to lower your phone to around 45 degrees or more, the familiar HERE Map will poke into view at the bottom of your screen. While still maintaining the LiveSight view above, this mix of traditional map and LiveSight really helps you understand where you are in relation to the rest of your local surroundings."
Download HERE Maps right here for free.
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