Lenovo's latest flagship smartphone offerings, the Moto G5 and the Moto G5 Plus, received a good number of praises from reviewers when it was launched at the 2017 Mobile World Congress (MWC) event last month. The flagship smartphones recently went on sale in several territories in Asia, with the UK also now getting pre-orders for the devices. The two flagship were initially offered in just two color options, namely Lunar Grey and Fine Gold, but it seems like a third color option is on the way.
According to GSM Arena, Lenovo may be releasing yet another color variation for the both the Moto G5 and the Moto G5 Plus very soon. The third color is a new Blue Sapphire hue. The new color option was initially leaked by the well-known tipster Roland Quant ahead of an official announcement by Lenovo. The tipster posted a photo on his official Twitter account that showed how the phones will look like in its new Blue Sapphire color.
Meanwhile, the Moto G5 and the Moto G5 Plus are currently available to pre-order in the UK via the online retailer Carphone Warehouse. However, the Moto G5 Plus is apparently only available in its 32 GB of internal storage configuration and it isn't quite clear just yet on when the 64 GB variant will become available. The site also only lists the Fine Gold and Lunar Grey color options as of the moment.
Lenovo is expected to make the device available in other territories as well in the coming weeks. As for the device's specs, the higher-end Moto G5 Plus, which is likely the main choice for most buyers, will be sporting a 5.2-inch Full HD IPS display covered in Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The device is run by an Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 processor paired with either 3 GB of 4 GB of RAM. The standard Moto G5 will be priced at around $230, while the bigger Moto G5 Plus will likely have a $300 price tag.
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