"Fairy Tail" manga is said to be on its final arc. This came as a surprise following a back to back Chapter 522 and 523 release this week that left fans with a major cliffhanger, Acnologia's return. Now that the end of "Fairy Tail" manga is near, the comeback of The Black Dragon on Chapter 524 was just in time for the final battle.

This article contains spoilers. Those who have not seen the latest issue of "Fairy Tail" manga Chapter 522 and 523 may stop reading from here.

A report by Comicbook claimed that "Fairy Tail" manga has entered the final arc as confirmed in the latest update from the official website of the title's movie counterpart. Reportedly, the website released a description stating that the hit manga series is now on its last arc. That said, fans may expect to see the next chapters lead the guild to a final battle, which might start on "Fairy Tail" 524.

Entitled "Black Future," "Fairy Tail" manga 524 is expected to continue Acnologia's threat to the members of the guild. As hinted on the last page of Chapter 523, he will join the final battlefield. The scenes are getting more exciting and it's quite hard to predict what may happen next.

As for a quick recap of Chapter 522 and 523, Zeref and Gray had an encounter where the latter offered his life to protect the rest of his friends. Natsu's best friend planned to use The Lost Attributes to lock The Black Mage in an icy shell that will erase Gray from existence in return. This is the only way to defeat Zeref without killing him as doing so could also lead Natsu to death.

However, Natsu came just in time to stop Gray and so nobody died in the battle. Elsewhere, Erza is seen recuperating from her battle wounds until she heard a loud bang. And at that moment, the bringer of despair Acnologia has returned.

For more updates and recap about "Fairy Tail" manga, don't forget to check here at MobilenApps. In the meantime, tell us what you think of the back to back Chapter 522 and 523 below.

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