The fate of "Girl Meets World" is still awaiting renewal from another network since Disney Channel announced the end of the "Boy Meets World" sequel after three seasons. While the show's creator confirmed that there are ongoing talks to find a new home for the show, its lead stars, Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter are busy doing their respective projects. What are they up to?
"Girl Meets World" Season 3 has ended with the episode titled "Girl Meets Goodbye," which also served as a series finale for the Disney Channel show. The finale episode served as a fitting conclusion to the story of Riley (Rowan Blanchard), Maya (Sabrina Carpenter) and their friends.
However, several fans could not let go of "GMW" after Season 3 and are hoping to see the show continue its story in another network. Series creator Michael Jacobs confirmed that there are talks with other networks to pick up the show for season 4.
While news regarding the "Girl Meets World" Season 3 renewal is expected to be provided in the coming weeks, many fans are wondering how the entire cast is doing. Teen Vogue reported that Rowan Blanchard recently attended the Milly Fall/Winter 2017 show on Feb. 10.
Blanchard will also be starring in "The Goldbergs" on ABC following her role in "Girl Meets World." Sabrina Carpenter, on the other hand, is busy with her music career and recently launched a new music video, reports Seventeen.
The said video for her single, "Thumbs," appears to be Carpenter's way of saying goodbye to "Girl Meets World" Season 3 because of its setting. According to the publication, the music video was shot in the subway car that served as a setting for some of the show's important moments.
Do you think "Girl Meets World" Season 4 will still happen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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