The fate of "Girl Meets World" is up in the air following the show's cancellation on Disney Channel after three seasons. In a recent interview, showrunner Michael Jacobs shares updates on the show's future, including possible storylines should the "Boy Meets World" sequel get renewed in another network.

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"Girl Meets World" Season 4 renewal updates from series creator Michael Jacobs reveal that fans and viewers should hear the ultimatum on the show's future within three or four months. In an interview with The Wrap, Jacobs said that there are ongoing discussions with other platforms.

Jacobs was optimistic that another network would pick up "Girl Meets World" for Season 4 and they should be able to reach a decision "sooner rather than later." This optimism stems from the fans' support through the paper planes campaign after Disney Channel announced the show's cancellation after Season 3.

Should another network pick up "GMW" Season 4, Jacobs believed that the whole cast will reprise their respective roles, but he was open to the fact that the actors and actresses would have their own projects by that time. He also teased a possible time jump for the fourth season in order to mirror that of the actors' ages.

"I think the audience would be so shocked and surprised... if we skipped two years or three years anyway," he shared.

Earlier this month, the cast of "Girl Meets World" Season 3 bid their fans and viewers farewell before airing the finale episode titled 'Girl Meets Goodbye." According to Variety, Rowan Blanchard, Sabrina Carpenter and the rest of the cast thanked their fans for their support throughout the show.

The cast of "Girl Meets World" have been very vocal about the show's importance to the younger generation. Some of them have launched campaigns on social media in hopes of getting the show renewed.

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