"Girl Meets World" Season 3 has officially ended its run on Disney Channel with an episode titled, "Girl Meets Goodbye." While the cast and crew of the "Boy Meets World" sequel remain optimistic that it will find a new home soon, a recent report suggests that the show is struggling to find a new network to move into. Is it time to say goodbye to Riley, Maya and their friends?

"Girl Meets World" Season 4 renewal is up in the air following its recent cancellation on Disney Channel. While the show's executive producer shared that there are early talks about the series' renewal on a new network, a recent report from TVLine notes that there are not much networks left to choose from.

There were previous rumors that "GMW" Season 4 may happen on Freeform since it is under the same company as Disney and ABC was the home for its flagship series, "Boy Meets World." However, the publication points out that the network should have already announced its move instead of announcing the show's cancellation if Freeform were interested in picking up the show.

Netflix has already aired its side and said that it was not picking up "Girl Meets World" for Season 4. This leaves fans and viewers with just a handful of stations to choose from, including Hulu.

Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter have already said their farewell messages to "Girl Meets World" following the series finale episode titled, "Girl Meets Goodbye." As Teen Vogue reports, the stars reflected on their stay on the show and how the stories served as an inspiration to their viewers.

Danny McNulty also expressed his disappointment when "Girl Meets World" Season 3 aired its finale and cut off his scenes from the series finale. McNulty said that the network took away his chance to say goodbye to his fans and posted a video of himself reading his lines from the series instead.

Should "Girl Meets World" Season 4 happen or were you satisfied with the finale? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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