"Girl Meets World" Season 3 is headed for its series finale in the episode entitled, "Girl Meets Goodbye," as Disney Channel announced the show's end after three seasons. While the cast and crew are optimistic that another network will pick up the "Boy Meets World" sequel for Season 4, Corey Fogelmanis weighs in on the "Fiarkle" romance and whether he will reprise his role on the show.

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"Girl Meets World" is officially ending on Disney Channel after three seasons with the finale episode entitled, "Girl Meets Goodbye." Speaking with TVLine, Corey Fogelmanis explained that they shot the finale episode with the thought that the show may be coming to its end.

"GMW" Season 3 finale episode spoilers reveal that Topanga will reach a decision on moving to London with Riley (Rowan Blanchard) and the entire family. Fogelmanis also weighed in on the potential romance between Riley and Farkle aka "Riarkle," which many fans have been rooting for in "Girl Meets World."

According to the actor, Farkle is better off being Maya (Sabrina Carpenter) and Riley's friend rather than start a romantic relationship with either of them. As regards his potential return in "Girl Meets World" Season 4, Fogelmanis said that it would be better to get the entire cast back together.

Several fans have been expressing their thoughts on what "Girl Meets World" Season 4 should be if another network decides to pick up the series, including the "Lucaya" and "Riarkle" romance. In an interview with Deadline, series creator Michael Jacobs explained that they are currently in talks with other networks.

Jacobs shared that he knew it would have been difficult for "Girl Meets World" Season 4 to happen on Disney Channel given that the characters were already in high school. However, he remained optimistic that other networks would see the love and support that the show has from viewers.

Should "Girl Meets World" Season 4 feature Riley-Farkle aka "Riarkle" romance if it gets picked up by another network? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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