"Girl Meets World" Season 3 is currently on a break after airing the episode titled "Girl Meets a Christmas Maya" on Disney Channel. While the "Boy Meets World" sequel will still air three more episodes before it comes to an end, many fans are already anxious about the show's fate after Season 3.

"Girl Meets World" Season 3 cancellation news reveals that Disney Channel still has not reached a conclusion with regard to the fate of the series. This is the reason why even the cast members are starting a campaign to renew the show for Season 4.

In a recent post on Twitter, actress Rowan Blanchard thanked fans after discovering that her and August Maturo's campaign to renew "GMW" Season 3 has reached over 14 million impressions. This just goes to show how much viewers still want to see the story of Riley, Maya, Lucas and her friends continue for more seasons.

Recent "Girl Meets World" Season 3 renewal, cancellation updates reveal that Disney Channel is still keeping everyone on their feet with their hesitation to release an official renewal order for the show. There have been speculations that the show is no longer suitable for the network's audience, which prompted several petitions to move the show to another network such as Freeform.

However, in a recent interview with Teen.com, actress Sabrina Carpenter shared that "Girl Meets World" Season 3 still has three more episodes to offer. This means that fans and viewers still have over a month left of guessing whether or not the show will end this season or not.

"Girl Meets World" Season 3 will also be airing a one-hour episode titled "World Meets Girl," which will reportedly serve as a tribute to its fans and viewers. The current (and possibly final) season will cap off with an episode titled "Girl Meets Goodbye" on Jan. 20.

Do you think the "Girl Meets World" Season 3 renewal should happen on Disney Channel? Or is it better off moving to another network? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

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