"Ni No Kuni 2; Revenant Kingdom" is the second installment of the popular Japanese RPG. The game's sequel follows a new set of characters and a new place. The game was supposedly a PlayStation 4 exclusive but now, Bandai Namco wants PC gamers to enjoy the experience.
GameSpot reports that Bandai Namco chief executive, Akihiro Hino confirmed that the RPG will have a PC version. Hino iterated that having a PC version means the game is more accessible for everyone overseas.
Hino indicated that the game's sequel is designed to be appealing into a global audience. The studio's chief executive thinks that Bandai Namco's game needs to offer a similar experience as to what Western RPGs have. Utilizing features like open-world and a stress-free battle sequence for gamers to familiarize with.
Akihiro Hino further explained the studio deeply cares about worldwide sensibility this time around. Since the game has the same release date as in the Western countries as Japan, Hino also hopes that from a localization point of view, all cultures in the world could understand the game.
"Ni No Kuni 2; Revenant Kingdom" is slated to be released this year for the PS4 and the PC. For now there is still no official launch date for the game. In the meantime, fans can check out the new pages of the game, detailing the story.
Game developers, Level-5 updated the official Japanese website for the game. The story follows Evan, a former king of Ding Dong Dell that is presumably driven by his own country. After that, Evan wants to build his own kingdom to unite the world of Ni No Kuni in one leadership.
The story goes that Ding Dong Dell was once a peaceful kingdom inhabited by cats and mice. However, the coup by mice minister, Chudyne, Evan's father, the king, was assassinated. Since then, Ding Dong Dell has become a kingdom where the cats are oppressed.
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