Nioh's Deluxe Edition and Gold Edition feature several in-game bonuses that players can claim while playing. Here are the tips and tricks to help you claim The Mark of the Champion & Strong DLC Items for "Nioh," as well as effective ways to farm glory.

How to Claim Mark of Champion & Strong DLC Items

At the start of "Nioh," you will find yourself in London. You will get a feel of the game in the tutorial and get to know the main character. When you complete this part, you will proceed to the area that you may get familiar with from the demo.

After that, you will then go into your first mission on the Isle of Demons. This is where "Nioh" players can claim their items. As soon as you get to the Isle of Demons, you will use the Shrine. When you enter the Shrine menu, check for an option called Boon. Select the option and you will get all the promised items, says Gearnuke.

How to Farm Glory on "Nioh"

In "Nioh," players earn Glory by beating Yokai and soldiers. There is, however, another way to farm Glory. When playing, you will come across Red Swords that stick out of the ground. These Red Swords act like the Bloodstains in the "Dark Souls" series. The Swords will basically show to you the way the player died, notes Segment Next.

As soon as you come across one of these red swords, summon the Phantom of the player that died there. The phantom is created with the player's gear and stats in mind, so choose your battles carefully.

An AI has control on the summoned Phantom. Defeat the Phantom to receive multiple rewards, one of which is the currency you are looking for. Farming Glory is very easy at the early stages of the game, as players will die frequently due to their low-level gears. The earlier missions in "Nioh" are ideal places to farm Glory.

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