"Fire Emblem Heroes" was recently launched for iOS and Android. Here is a rundown on how you can start the game strong and effectively blast your way level after level.

Orbs and How To Spend Them

In "Fire Emblem Heroes," orbs mean everything. They are used to heal heroes on the battlefield, replenish the stamina bar and summon new heroes.

Each player has a default 15 orbs at the start of the game and an extra two for logging in. In addition, you can obtain three more orbs by beating the super easy Prologue missions before the main story.

With 20 orbs, you can summon a new set of "Fire Emblem Heroes" for your army. Tap the Summon option at the bottom of the screen and then the Summon button to get started. Make it a habit of buying in bulk as it lowers the per character cost. In addition, the more heroes purchased at once, the higher the likelihood of getting the more powerful version of the heroes itself.

Log in with your Nintendo account or Re-Roll

Link your Nintendo account to get even more free orbs. Take note, however, that once you link your Nintendo account, you will not be able to technically re-roll and try for better "Fire Emblem Heroes."

There is a way to do the re-rolling. According to Kotaku, you just simply have to delete the app, download it, and finish the tutorial and prologue again for another chance at getting some great heroes out of the gate.

Train Heroes at Training Tower

As soon as you have completed Chapter 1 in the Story Maps of "Fire Emblem Heroes," train your heroes at the Training Tower. To do this, select one with a level that is close to the level of your characters, then fight and repeat.

This will make your new heroes strong enough to fight in story missions alongside your original team. The tower is allocated into 11 sections called Stratums. The higher you go in the Stratums, the harder they get. When you battle at the Training Tower you will earn experience and badges. The types of badges, shards, and crystals you get vary, depending on the time you play, reports CNET.

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