"Fire Emblem Heroes" recently kicked off its new event designed by Nintendo. The special activity is expected to draw more players and to keep the interest of those who have already started to play it. The event for this week will allow players to collect free orbs as they complete quests or simply play the game.
The "Fire Emblem Heroes" special event is set to end on Feb. 27 so players should grab their chance now and acquire tons of orbs for free. Orbs are important because it is the in-game currency that will help players in several ways such as to boost their heroes' stamina bar, to upgrade their heroes or to summon new heroes.
In addition to this Orb giveaway event, Nintendo also introduced new quests called the "Special Weapon Quests." As stated on Siliconera, this can be found in the Quests & Missions section of the game. It has three categories under it and these are the "Sword Mastery," "Lance Mastery" and "Axe Mastery."
"Fire Emblem Heroes" players can pick which among the three weapon mastery quest they should try. After completing any of the challenge, they can earn up to two orbs per category. Doing all three of the weapon mastery quests will reward players with six orbs for successful attempt.
Polygon also mentioned that to celebrate the "Fire Emblem Heroes" launch earlier this month, Nintendo is also adding special maps for a more adventurous gameplay. What's more, the maps offers rewards too. Completing them will give players six extra orbs.
It should be noted that aside from the 12 orbs that can be won during the special event via quest and map challenges, there are also complimentary orbs that can be obtained just by logging in to the game. Nintendo is rewarding all players with two orbs per day.
"Fire Emblem Heroes" was released by Nintendo on Feb. 2. The free-to-play RPG can can be downloaded for iOS and Android mobile devices.
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