The OnePlus Twitter accounted recently asked its fans to upgrade their OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T to Android Nougat and enter "1+" in their stock calculator app. The tweet asked fans to share the result. The trick only works when users have Android 7.0 Nougat on their OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T devices and perform the procedure on their stock calculator app. It's OnePlus' way of charming its fans with a trick. If you have not already done so, you will be surprised to know that typing "1+" brings out the "Never Settle" tagline on the calculator screen.

According to Android Community, it's a cool Easter Egg but it's not something that enhances the performance of the devices. Recently, the OnePlus 3T smarthphone was caught cheating on benchmarks. OnePlus is now trying control the damage and is looking to make things right. XDA recently found out that OnePlus 3T artificially enhances processor clock speeds when running benchmark apps. The CPU cores hence run at higher speeds even when the workload is nil.

The OnePlus interface, HydrogenOS, has reportedly done this for a while. The cheating was revealed on OxygenOS. It's the software for other parts of the world, in community builds, ahead of the Android 7.0 Nougat upgrade, according to Engadget.

"While investigating how Qualcomm achieves faster app opening speeds on the then-new Qualcomm Snapdragon 821, we noticed something strange on the OnePlus 3T that we could not reproduce on the Xiaomi Mi Note 2 or the Google Pixel XL, among other Snapdragon 821 devices ... and noticed that certain apps on the OnePlus 3T were not falling back down to their normal idling speeds after opening," explains XDA.

In an official statement by OnePlus, the company stated that it will stop ramping up processors for benchmarks in the scheduled OxygenOS releases for both OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. Stay tuned on Mobile & Apps for more updates on the OnePlus 3T handset.

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