"Final Fantasy" franchise is set to celebrate its 30th year anniversary this year. In light of this celebration, RPG fans are in for a treat from the creators as they announced the confirmed release date of "Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age."
"Final Fantasy" is one of the oldest and most successful roleplaying game franchises ever to be released for game consoles. Square Enix, the publisher of the said game, announced that its keystone IP is to be feted this year, including a glimpse of what is in store for fans in its latest release.
"Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age" is the latest arrow in Final Fantasy's quiver of marvelous games. It is a high-definition remastering of the streamlined 2007 Japanese version named "Final Fantasy 12: International Zodiac Job System" (Note: This latest game originally appeared on US PlayStation 2 in October of 2016 and was hailed by fans for its tonally restrained storytelling, as well as the shifting to a zoned, MMO-like open world).
It can be remembered that "Final Fantasy 12" was not as successful as its other previous incarnation since its release due to the twilight of the PS2 era. As a stake for redemption, the latest incarnation, 'The Zodiac Age' is set to be launched for PS4 users. New gameplay footage from the remake has already been released and Square Enix has announced the official release date of the game.
As per Square Enix's announcement, "Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age" is set to be released on July 11 in NA and on July 13 in Japan. Likewise, PS4 HD remake's official release date has also been confirmed by Square Enix during the Final Fantasy 30 event which celebrates the franchise's 30th year anniversary.
While rumors have been circulating about the details of the latest Final Fantasy game, a lot remains to be confirmed. This includes the rumored Final Fantasy Collection Package which is likewise unconfirmed. Fans have been waiting in keen anticipation for the official release date of the said game.
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