Microsoft was making waves when it launched the very first Surface Pro device. It demonstrated to consumers that they can carry around a laptop and tablet in one device. Now, four years later, Lenovo has released the IdeaPad Miix 510, which has more than a passing likeness to the latest Surface Pro device, the Surface Pro 4.

It might not be a trendsetter in today’s tech industry, but the IdeaPad Miix 510 is still a very strong move from the Chinese company. Just like the Surface Pro 4, the IdeaPad Miix 510 is a Windows 2-in-1 that has a kickstand. Once the Lenovo logos are removed from the front and back, it is reportedly difficult to differentiate the two hybrid tablets from each other.

Lenovo’s IdeaPad Miix 510 might be slim and light, but it the device reportedly feels very solid in the hand. Consumers who want to use the device as a laptop will just have to connect its watchband-style hinges to the stand. Once connected, the tablet can be reclined at different angles for more comfortable viewing - much like any laptop today.

As has pointed out, the IdeaPad Miix 510 is the best option for consumers who want the Surface Pro 4 but are on a tight budget. These two devices might look the same on the outside, but they are expected to boast of different specs. For instance, the former’s 12.2-inch screen shows 1920x1200 pixels, while the latter shows 2736x1824 pixels on a 12.3-inch display.

Plus, the exterior of the IdeaPad Miix 510 is reportedly less polished than that of the Surface Pro 4. The power brick, speakers, buttons, and connector did not have a smooth finish. Plus, there was a noticeable thick bezel around the screen.

Since the Surface Pro 4’s launch, only very few devices were able to be at par with the said device. However, it must be noted that Lenovo’s IdeaPad Miix 510 came pretty close - despite its own imperfections.

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