Toei Animation just released the latest "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga preview. The latest 30-second video preview began streaming on January 28.

The brief description of the latest "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga preview states that Goku gets an invitation from Zen-Oh who is starting a martial arts tournament between all the universes dubbed as Chikara no Taikai (Tournament of Power). This same tournament, however, will be the start of the universal destruction. The "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga preview concluded in a puzzling two sentences saying that something awaits the winners and losers of this tournament. "What will become of this fierce team battle between each universe's elite warriors?"

In the recently released the "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga preview, we see the interesting display of strength and power of the warriors. The female super Saiyan was shown from its base form as well as its transformation into a legendary super Saiyan. In addition, there is also the God of Destruction who appears like a circus clown, along with his assistant.

The "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga preview also a show of battle between Goku and the assassin Hit. Some theories revealed that Goku would lose the fight against Hit as well as Piccolo. However, Vegeta will defeat Hit upon learning that he cheated his way to winning his previous fight with Goku and Piccolo.

The visual for the "Dragon Ball Super" Universe Survival Arc Saga shows Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Android 17, Android 18, Majin Buu, Tenshinhan, and Master Roshi as Universe 7's most powerful team.

According to Anime News Network, the new arc will debut on February 5. Kiyoshi Hikawa will do the new opening theme song as his first anime tie-in song. Moreover, Yukinojo Mori wrote the lyrics for the rock number "Genkai Toppa x Survivor" (Limit Breakthrough x Survivor), and Takafumi Iwasaki made the arrangement of music.

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